Daily Mail Comment
Crude and vulgar - but Prezza has a point
18th August 2006For once that language-mangling grand master of gibberish, John Prescott, makes himself crystal clear; and for once he has a point. Inelegant though it may be to describe President Bush's Middle East policy as 'crap', it reflects the overwhelming weight of public opinion.
Though our deputy prime minister (who is, Heaven help us, nominally in charge of the country) denies that he uttered the offending word or sneered that the President is 'a cowboy', he can hardly be surprised if nobody believes him.
After all, in common with most Ministers and Labour MPs, he is deeply unhappy with Mr Blair's role as poodle to the Bush White House. Only last June he is said to have gushed to defeated Presidential candidate Al Gore 'I know you didn't win Al, and by God I can tell you I'm sorry about that'.
So reports of this latest indiscretion have the ring of truth. And what a glaring insight it provides into the way we are governed now.
In just five years, President Bush - abetted by Mr Blair - has squandered the worldwide outpouring of sympathy and support for America, following 9/ 11. Today, anti-Americanism is rampant and terrorism an ever more serious threat.
Even here, the latest polls suggest an unprecedented distrust of our closest ally. Though most people believe in fighting terror, 80 per cent want Britain to split from Mr Bush and either go it alone or work more closely with Europe.
The reasons couldn't be clearer.
The shambles in Iraq… the failure of America to pursue the 'road map' to peace in the Middle East… the ensuing anguish in Lebanon… the neglect that led to a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan... in all this, Britain just dances to the tune of an incompetent White House.
Yet who calls Mr Blair to account? Parliament is in recess. The Cabinet is sidelined. Foreign Office experts are ignored. The Opposition is irrelevant. Public opinion is shrugged aside.
It is left to John Prescott, the court jester of British politics, to blurt out (in the crudest terms) what so many privately think of George Bush's policies.
But what does that say about a Prime Minister who so tamely toes the Bush line? And about a political establishment that lets him get away with it?
Beyond Parady
WHAT an eye-catching initiative it seemed, just three weeks ago, when the Home Office trumpeted a robust new approach to illegal migration.
Yes, as part of an ambitious action plan to 'inspire a culture of public service, passion and pride' in our shambolic immigration system, we were all encouraged to ring the Crimestoppers line and shop unscrupulous employers who profit from cheap illegal labour.
But now we discover what happens when anyone tries. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. According to a jaw-dropping probe by the BBC, the Immigration Service doesn't want to know. Tip-offs from the public tend to end up in the nearest bin.
And why? Officials are so busy trying to hit Tony Blair's target for deporting failed asylum seekers that they don't have time for other things. Employment agencies don't bother to report their suspicions, because it would be a waste of effort.
When New Labour has presided over such a huge increase in the public payroll - up 600,000 since 1997 - you might suppose the Immigration Service would have all the staff it needs. But no. Just 1,500 officials are left to cope as best they can - and of course are overwhelmed.
This Government long ago lost control of our borders and admits it has no idea how many illegals are living here. It doesn't even try to find out. And all it offers a worried public is self-serving spin.
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