Daily Mail Comment
There may yet be hope for Cameron
There may yet be hope for Cameron
You need only listen to Labour's howls of outrage to realise that David Cameron scored a direct hit with his attack on the Government's pitiful response to the threat from Islamic extremists.
One after another, Ministers have berated him for 'playing politics' with national security.
'David Cameron's remarks are almost beyond belief,' splutters the preposterous Prezza. 'At a time when we should all stand united in the face of alleged terrorist threats, he seeks to undermine that unity.'
But why shouldn't an Opposition leader speak out when he thinks the Government is making a Horlicks of protecting us?
Notice how Mr Prescott doesn't begin to answer Mr Cameron's specific charges: failure to implement the 12-point security plan announced after the London bombings last year; inexcusable delays in making intercept evidence admissible in court; failure to imprison or deport Muslim preachers of hate. Oh, and he also suggests the deputy PM is not up to his job.
Why doesn't Mr Prescott answer the charges? Because every one is true.
So one cheer, at least, for Mr Cameron. All this needed to be said.
We only wish we could extend the same whole hearted welcome to his new, updated mini-manifesto. But it is still too long on touchy-feely waffle, too short on detail.
True, there are the beginnings of some good policies in it: opposing the European constitution; abolishing unelected Regional Assemblies; ending the NHS targets culture; scrapping the Human Rights Act; reforming taxes - and possibly even cutting them; deregulating and decentralising; helping families and marriage.
Yes, yes and yes. But how?
We long to see more flesh put on these bones… and hope against hope there may be more to Mr Cameron than just a bicycling hoodie-hugger with nice manners.
Over the top
The stories of the 306 servicemen shot as cowards and deserters in the First World War make heart-rending reading.
Some, scarcely older than boys, were not cowards at all, but gravely ill with shell-shock after enduring unimaginable horrors in our country's service.
They richly deserve the pardons for which their relatives have so long campaigned.
But the brutal truth is that more than a few of the 306 were guilty as charged, before they paid the terrible price demanded by the laws and morality of the day.
We do not judge them, for which of us could swear that our own courage would have held up in the hell of the trenches?
But by pardoning all 306, innocent and guilty alike, isn't Defence Secretary Des Browne making a meaningless gesture? And isn't he devaluing the heroism of those who did find the courage to go over the top?
Out of control
Ever been tempted to import potatoes which you have reasonable cause to suspect may be Polish? Or to put rubbish out on the wrong day? Or to enter the hull of the Titanic without Government permission? Well, don't.
These are all criminal offences, outlawed by this Government in the course of a nine-year frenzy of legislation.
Incredibly, Labour has now put its 3,000th new offence on the statute book - one for almost every day it has been in power.
Meanwhile, violent crime soars - and the Home Secretary proposes to ease pressure on our jails by releasing thousands of prisoners early and allowing vandals, knife carriers and shoplifters to serve only five days of 30-day sentences.
Doesn't that tell you all you need to know about a control-freak Government that has totally lost control?
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